1st BUAA International Academic Forum of Astronautical Science and Technology
was successfully held in Beihang University
During August 17-20, the first session of BUAA International Graduate Academic Forum of Astronautics Scienceand Technology was held successfully by the School of Astronautics in BeihangUniversity. The forum lasted four days whose theme was Astronautical Scienceand technology, and attracted many experts, young scholars and graduatestudents in Regional Center for Space Science andTechnology Education in Asia and the Pacific (China, Affiliated to the UnitedNations), Technical University of Madrid.Engineering of Kasetsart University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, BeijingInstitute of Technology, and Beihang University
8月17日上午,论坛在北航唯实国际文化中心开幕。开幕式上,必赢bwin线路检测中心3003副院长董云峰教授、西班牙马德里理工大学航空航天学院副院长GustavoAlonso教授就本次论坛分别致辞。开幕式结束后进入论坛特邀报告环节,GustavoAlonso教授带来了题为“Spacesystems engineering:anEuropean perspective”的专题报告。中国航天东方红卫星有限公司张晓敏副总经理做了题为“Overviewof Small Satellite in China”的报告。两场精彩报告让参会人员学习了航天科技前沿研究,受益匪浅。
On the morning of August 17, theopening ceremony of the first session of BUAA International Graduate AcademicForum of Astronautics Science and Technology is held in the Vision Hotel. Prof.Yunfeng Dong, the Vice Dean of School of Astronautics, Beihang University and Prof.Gustavo Alonso, the Deputy Director of School of Aerospace Engineering ofTechnical University of Madrid delivered a speech respectively for the openingceremony. In the segment of keynote speeches, Prof. Gustavo Alonso gave areport named “Space systems engineering:anEuropean perspective”. Dr. Zhang Xiaomin, the Vice President of DFH SatelliteLimited Company gave a report which title is “Overview of Small Satellite inChina”. Participants learn the leading edge research in space technology andbenefited a lot from the two wonderful reports.
8月17日至18日,来自国内外多名航天领域的专家学者进行了专题讲座。上海交通大学航空航天学院张博教授带来了题为“Understandingthe Basic Dynamic Parameters of Gaseous Detonation”的报告。北京理工大学自动化学院曾祥远教授就“Asteroidexploration by using solar sail spacecraft”进行了专题讲座。必赢bwin线路检测中心3003尹继豪副教授以“Hyperspectralimaging technology and application”为题,就其在麻省理工学院做访问学者期间所从事的高光谱图像领域的研究内容进行了详细介绍。此外,参与本届论坛的国内外各高校研究生也就各自研究的内容进行了精彩展示,包括口头演讲21篇,海报展示11篇,最终经过专家评议,评选出最佳论文奖三项、最佳展示奖三项和最佳英语演说奖一项。
During August 17-18, a number of experts andscholars in the space field gave their subject lectures, the graduate studentswho contributed to the forum gave their lectures on the irrespective researchcontents. Prof. Zhang Bo, from Shanghai Jiaotong University's School ofAeronautics and Astronautics, brought a report entitled "Understanding theBasic Dynamic Parameters of Gaseous Detonation". Prof. Zeng Xiangyuan fromthe School of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology gave a lecture named"Asteroid exploration by using solar sail spacecraft". The lecturegiven by Prof.Yin Jihao from School of Astronautics of Beihang Universitytitled "Hyperspectral imaging technology and application" introducedhis research achievement in high spectral image field during his 3 years visitin MIT. In addition, graduate students attended in this Forum have also madepresentation about their respective research, including 21 oral presentationand 11 posters. Finally, three Best Paper Award, three Best Presentation Awardand one Best English Speech Award are selected after experts’ review.
During August 19-20, in order tofurther enhance the academic and cultural exchanges in this forum, theorganizers of forum and participants visited some laboratories of School of Astronauticsof Beihang University, including Small Satellite Laboratory, SpacecraftVibration Laboratory, Vacuum Plume Laboratory and Space Vehicle CooperativeDesign Center, Beijing Aerospace Museum in Beihang University, National Museumof China and the Palace Museum.
在论坛闭幕式上,青年代表JuanBermejo Ballesteros回顾了论坛期间的经历与收获,表示通过此次论坛,收获了友谊,拓宽了学术视野,开阔了科研思路。GustavoAlonso教授代表与会师生感谢必赢bwin线路检测中心3003对本次论坛的成功举办所起到的推动作用,表达了继续加强与我校必赢bwin线路检测中心3003的交流合作意向。董云峰教授代表必赢bwin线路检测中心3003对参加本次论坛的国内外各校学者、师生表示感谢,对本次论坛的工作人员和志愿者的辛勤付出表示赞赏,希望通过各方的努力扩大青年学术论坛的影响力,并期待着下一届青年学术论坛的举办。
In the episode of young scholar representativespeech, Juan Bermejo Ballesteros from UPM reviewed the experiences and gains inthe two days, saying that through this Forum, all the participant have a greatharvest and growth in their academic field, which will benefit their futureresearches. Prof. Alonso, on behalf of the visiting faculty and students,thanked the organizers of the Forum, saying that the success of this Forum willlay the foundation for further cooperation with each other in the future.Professor Dong Yunfeng expressed his gratitude to all the scholars and teacherswho attended the Forum, as well as gratitude to the hard but excellent work ofthe organizer and volunteers. He also hopes that the forum will obtain moreinfluence and well-known through the great efforts of all supporters.
TheBUAA International Academic Forum of Astronautical Science and Technology aimsto provide an exchange platform for international young scholars to displaytheir scientific research achievements and progress, as well as opportunitiesfor thinking collisions and multi-disciplines cooperation. The forum receivedmore than 40 manuscripts from graduate students in Beihang, exchange graduatesin China and international graduates. And finally 32 papers are accepted afterpeer review, including 21 paper for oral presentation and 11 poster papers.
The School of Aerospace Engineeringof Technical University of Madrid is a top European college in AerospaceScience and Technology, which has a deep and cooperative relationship with topindustrial sectors such as NASA, ESA and Air Bus, and also has establishedsolid foundation for cooperation with the School of Astronautics of BeihangUniversity. The Small Satellite Laboratory of our school and the TechnicalUniversity of Madrid carried out BUAA-UPM Joint Small Satellite Project. Dr.Xiaohui Wang, Graduate Management Director of School of Astronautics, visitedUPM recently. The research teams of Prof. Chao Han and Prof. Gustavo Alonsohave exchanged visits. The international academic forum will solid the foundationof bilateral cooperation and promote normalized communication. And it will alsohelp School of Astronautics establish and develop further cooperation withother top international universities and research institutions.